Liu Xianbin (刘贤斌)

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Liu Xianbin (刘贤斌)

Liu Xianbin  刘贤斌



Current Detention

Crime: Inciting subversion of state power 

Length of Punishment: 10 Years

Court:  Suining City Intermediate People’s Court 

Trial date: March 25, 2011

Sentencing date:  March 25, 2011

Dates of Detention/Arrest:  June 28, 2010 (detention); July 5, 2010 (arrest)

Place of Detention: Chuanzhong Prison (Nanchong City Urban Area, Sichuan Province)

Verdict: Sichuan Province Suining Intermediate People’s Court Criminal Verdict (Chinese only)


Liu Xianbin, from Suining City in Sichuan Province, was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison in 1992 for his participation in the 1989 pro-democracy movement. After his release, he dedicated himself to democracy and human rights activism, and in 1998 was a founding member of the Sichuan branch of the China Democracy Party (CDP). In August 1999, Liu was convicted of “subversion of state power” and sentenced to 13 years’ imprisonment for his involvement with the CDP. The sentence also included an additional three years’ deprivation of political rights upon his release.Little more than a year after he was released from prison in 2009, Liu was once again criminally detained in June of 2010, this time for “inciting subversion of state power.” It is believed that this detention comes as punishment for being involved with a number of rights-related activities, beginning with his support for “Charter 08” in December 2008. Born October 2, 1968, Liu also continued to publish articles on human rights and democracy after his release.

Further Information

Update to UN on Liu Xianbin, July 13, 2012, CHRD

Opinions adopted by the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention at its sixty-first session, 9 August–2 September 2011 – No. 23/2011 (China) Liu Xianbin (English version) (Chinese version)

Submission to UN on Liu Xianbin: Update on Case of Sichuan Democracy Activist, Human Rights Defender Liu Xianbin, Formally Arrested for “Inciting Subversion of State Power”, July 12, 2010, CHRD

Sichuan Democracy Activist Liu Xianbin Criminally Detained for ‘Inciting Subversion of State Power’, June 29, 2010, CHRD

Tiananmen Anniversary Marked by Harassment, Detentions, and Official Silence, June 3, 2010, CHRD

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