“Our Children” – Documentary on Deaths of Schoolchildren in Sichuan Earthquake (by Ai Xiaoming)
Comments Off on “Our Children” – Documentary on Deaths of Schoolchildren in Sichuan Earthquake (by Ai Xiaoming)“Our Children (我们的娃娃)” is a documentary about the 2008 Sichuan earthquake shot and directed by Sun Yat-sen University professor and filmmaker Ai Xiaoming (艾晓明). It was completed and released on October 14, 2009 and its Chinese version is now available for viewing online. The documentary focuses on the experiences of parents whose children were killed when their schools collapsed during the earthquake, and includes commentary and perspectives on the tragedy from a wide array of sources. Distributed for free, the film is dedicated to the memory of the children who lost their lives in the earthquake. To view the film, please visit http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=6D03DD4EEEA1F7CB