China Human Rights Briefing March 9-30, 2011
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March 9-30, 2011
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- Harsh 10-Year Sentence Handed Down to Sichuan Activist Liu Xianbin: On March 25, the Suining City Intermediate Court in Sichuan Province convicted activist Liu Xianbin (刘贤斌) of “inciting subversion of state power” and sentenced him to a decade in prison. The decision is believed to be both punishment for Liu’s activism and a signal to those currently detained in the “Jasmine Revolution” crackdown for similar crimes that they could be subjected to lengthy sentences.
- At Least a Dozen Missing, 26 Facing Criminal Detention as Government Cracks Down on Civil Society: It has been a little over one month since anonymous calls for “Jasmine Revolution” protests in China appeared online, and the government’s frenzied crackdown on activists and dissidents continues to escalate. As of March 31, three activists have been formally arrested for “inciting subversion of state power,” while 23 others have been criminally detained and a dozen individuals, including a number of prominent human rights lawyers, remain missing and at risk of torture or mistreatment.
- Young Man Dead after Confrontation with Family Planning Officials in Shandong: Linyi, the Shandong Province city where Chen Guangcheng and his wife famously exposed the use of violence by family planning officials in 2005, once again finds itself at the center of a major case involving this same issue. On March 21, a young man named Xu Shuaishuai (徐帅帅) died after being stabbed by a member of a group led by family planning officials seeking to coerce Xu’s sister into undergoing a birth control procedure.
Arbitrary Detention
- Crackdown on the “Jasmine Revolution” Continues to Escalate
- Sichuan Activist Liu Xianbin Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison for “Inciting Subversion”
- Three Detained in Sichuan for Attempting to Attend Trial of Liu Xianbin
- Elderly Anhui Petitioner Released after 32 Days of Illegal Detention
- Sichuan Activist Placed Under Unlawful Residential Surveillance after Release from Prison
- Victim of Forced Eviction Held in Fujian Black Jail
- Guangxi Villagers Interrogated and Threatened for being Interviewed by American Journalists
- “Subversion” Case against Wuhan Activist Li Tie Transferred to Court
- Sichuan Activist Lu Dachun in Urgent Need of Medical Care Following Release from Prison
- Housing Rights Activist Liu Guohui Missing
Harassment of Activists
- Police Pressure Landlord to Force Activist “Tiger Temple” to Move
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment and Punishment
- Shandong Youth Dead after Stabbing at Hands of Group Led by Family Planning Officials
Arbitrary Detention
Crackdown on the “Jasmine Revolution” Continues to Escalate
The Chinese government has criminally detained a total of 26 individuals, disappeared more than 30, and put more than 200 under soft detention since mid-February after anonymous calls for “Jasmine Revolution” protests first appeared online. As of March 31, three of the criminally detained have been formally arrested while five have been released on bail to await trial, a dozen of the disappeared remain missing, including a number of prominent human rights lawyers, while almost all of the soft detentions have been lifted. For a full list of those currently missing, under arrest, or in criminal detention, please see our website at
Sichuan Activist Liu Xianbin Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison for “Inciting Subversion”
On the morning of March 25, democracy activist Liu Xianbin (刘贤斌) was sentenced to 10 years in prison for “inciting subversion of state power” with an additional two years and four months’ deprivation of political rights by the Suining City Intermediate Court in Sichuan Province. The trial lasted approximately two hours. Liu’s lawyers were frequently interrupted by the presiding judge, and Liu himself was only allowed to speak a few words. Activists in Sichuan Province had their movements restricted by the police and only Liu’s wife and brother were able to attend the trial.
Liu Xianbin was detained for “inciting subversion of state power” on June 28, 2010, only a year after he was released following a decade in prison for “subversion of state power” in 1999. A longtime activist, Liu was sentenced to two and a half years in prison in 1992 for his participation in the 1989 pro-democracy movement. Following his release, he dedicated himself to democracy and human rights activism, and in 1998 was a founding member of the Sichuan branch of the China Democracy Party (CDP). In August 1999, Liu was convicted and sentenced to 13 years’ imprisonment for his involvement with the CDP. This most recent sentence is believed to be punishment for his dedication to democracy activism and human rights defense, and his refusal to abandon his principles following his release from prison. In the year he was free, among other activities, he was a supporter of Charter 08 and a vocal advocate for fellow persecuted activists including Liu Xiaobo (刘 晓波).[i]
Three Detained in Sichuan for Attempting to Attend Trial of Liu Xianbin
On March 25, four petitioners and rights activists from Chengdu City, Sichuan Province—Deng Pinfang (邓品芳), Li Renyu (李仁玉), Kan Siyun (阚思云), and Peng Tianhui (彭天惠)—traveled to Suining City to observe the trial of activist Liu Xianbin (刘 贤斌). Shortly after arriving in Suining, however, the four were seized by police and forcibly returned to Chengdu. Deng was released, but Li, Kan, and Peng were given seven days of administrative detention; precise details about their situation are not currently available. Deng, Li, Kan, and Peng began petitioning after being forcibly and violently evicted from their homes. (CHRD)[ii]
Elderly Anhui Petitioner Released after 32 Days of Illegal Detention
On March 23, 63 year-old petitioner Sun Bangying (孙帮英) was released following 32 days of illegal detention in Changfeng County, Anhui Province. Sun, who lives in Changfeng’s Wagang Village, was seized from her home by local officials on February 19 to prevent her from petitioning during the “Two Meetings” of the National People’s Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. According to Sun, she was repeatedly beaten and kicked while held in the black jail in Changfeng County. Sun is seeking redress for a land dispute, and has previously been detained on two other occasions. (CHRD)[iii]
Sichuan Activist Placed Under Unlawful Residential Surveillance after Release from Prison
On March 18, Zeng Rongkang (曾荣康), one of the ten activists convicted of “assembling a crowd to disrupt social order” for staging a protest outside of a Chengdu court, was released from prison after serving a two year sentence. Zeng was the fifth activist released. However, similar to the other four activists who were released before him, Zeng was immediately notified that he had been put under residential surveillance. Zeng argues that the authorities have no legal basis to place him under residential surveillance — a form of pre-trial non-custodial detention– after he has completed his prison term. (CHRD)[iv]
Victim of Forced Eviction Held in Fujian Black Jail
On March 11, Fujian petitioner Lin Fazhen (林发珍) was intercepted while petitioning about the forced demolition of her home at the National Letters and Visits Office in Beijing. Fuzhou interceptors and hired guards forcibly sent Lin, from Jin’an District in Fuzhou City, to Yeleyuan Hotel in Xizhimen District in Beijing, where she is currently held with a group of more than twenty other petitioners from Fuzhou City. Lin called the Beijing police repeatedly but the latter has not acted to release them from illegal detention.[v]
Guangxi Villagers Interrogated and Threatened for being Interviewed by American Journalists
On March 17, two villagers from Beihai City Baihutou Village were taken away while being interviewed by American journalists about the forced demolition of their village. Gao Shiying (高世英) and Feng Guangmei (冯广梅) were being interviewed when several military policemen and government officials barged into the hotel room of the American journalists. Gao and Feng were taken to the police station, interrogated and warned against being interviewed by foreign journalists while the journalists were tightly monitored before they left Beihai City the same evening. (CHRD)[vi]
“Subversion” Case against Wuhan Activist Li Tie Transferred to Court
CHRD learned on March 17 that the case of Wuhan City, Hubei Province-based activist Li Tie (李铁), detained on September 15, 2010, for “subversion of state power,” has been transferred from the Wuhan Procuratorate to the courts for prosecution.
On March 10, Beijing lawyer Jin Guanghong (金光鸿) and Li’s younger brother once again travelled to the offices of the Wuhan Procuratorate to request a visit with Li; officials rejected their request on the grounds that Li’s case involves state secrets. To date, Jin has yet to meet with Li. Police also told Jin that Li had “requested the police provide him with an attorney;” the family retained Jin to represent Li months ago, and as early as December officials were already pressuring the family to drop Jin for a lawyer chosen by the police. Li, whose arrest was approved on November 17, has written extensively about democracy and constitutional government in online articles, and has organized activities to honor the memory of Lin Zhao (林昭) annually since 2008. (CHRD)[vii]
Sichuan Activist Lu Dachun in Urgent Need of Medical Care Following Release from Prison
CHRD has learned that Sichuan activist Lu Dachun (陆大椿), who was released from prison on March 3 after serving two years for “assembling a crowd to disrupt social order,” is extremely ill and living at home under residential surveillance (jianshi juzhu). Lu suffers from diabetes, sinusitis, high blood pressure, cholecystitis, and has a tumor which doctors advised him to have removed immediately. Lu’s health worsened considerably during the two years he was imprisoned because of poor living conditions and inadequate care, and he is currently unable to afford the necessary treatments. Lu was arrested and imprisoned in connection with a February 2009 demonstration outside of the Chengdu City Intermediate Court in Sichuan Province. (CHRD)[viii]
Housing Rights Activist Liu Guohui Missing
Activist Liu Guohui (刘国慧), of Linyi City, Shandong Province, has been missing since being called for a talk by local police on March 10. Liu, a housing rights activist, was held in a black jail from February 19 to 22 by local officials who sought to prevent her from making public information she had gathered regarding forced evictions. (CHRD)[ix]
Harassment of Activists
Police Pressure Landlord to Force Activist “Tiger Temple” to Move
On the afternoon of March 15, activist and independent film producer Zhang Shihe (张世和, also known as “Tiger Temple” [老虎庙]), was called in for a “chat” with police officers in Hebei Province’s Xianghe City, where he currently lives. After returning home, Zhang was informed by his landlord that he would have to move out of his apartment that evening. According to Zhang, his landlord told him that he would face a fine of 10,000 RMB or more if he did not compel Zhang to move. (CHRD)[x]
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment and Punishment
Shandong Youth Dead after Stabbing at Hands of Group Led by Family Planning Officials
CHRD has learned that a young man in Linyi City, Shandong Province, has died after being stabbed by an unidentified individual working with local family planning officials. On the evening of March 21, a group of more than 10 individuals, led by cadres from the Jiuqu Town Family Planning Bureau, entered the Taiping Town home of Xu Shuaishuai (徐帅帅). The group sought to force Xu’s elder sister to undergo some birth control surgery; however, when they could not find her, they began to argue with Xu’s father, later striking him. Xu came to his father’s defense and was stabbed twice in the chest by one of the individuals. He was rushed to the hospital, but died as a result of these wounds. Xu’s murderer has yet to be arrested, and local officials have failed to take responsibility for the incident, according to the family. (CHRD)[xi]
Editors: David Smalls and Lin Sang
Follow us on Twitter: @CHRDnet
[i] “Stop the Practice of Criminalizing Speech, Uphold the Promise of the Constitution– CHRD” Statement on the Heavy Sentence Given to Liu Xianbin” (结束以言治罪,落实《宪法》承诺——“维权网”就刘贤斌被重判的声明), March 25, 2011,
[ii] “For Travelling to Suining to Observe Trial of Liu Xianbin, Three Citizens Are Detained” (因前往遂宁欲旁听刘贤斌案开庭三公民 被拘留), March 28, 2011,
[iii] “Hefei Petitioner Sun Bangying Released after More than One Month in Detention” (合肥访民孙帮英被关押一个多月后获释), March 26, 2011,
[iv] CHRD, “Zeng Rongkang in Chengdu ‘Chained Door’ Case Subjected to Residential Surveillance after completion of sentence (成都“链子门”事件中的曾荣康刑满,但仍被监视居住),” March 20, 2011,
[v] CHRD, “Fuzhou Petitioner Lin Fazhen, Held in Black Jail, Sought Emergency Help from outside (福建访民林发珍在“黑监狱”中向外紧急求 救),” March 20, 2011,
[vi] CHRD, “American Journalists Barred from Conducting Interviews in Beihai Baihutou Village (美国记者采访北海白虎头村遭阻),” March 18, 2011,
[vii] “Wuhan Li Tie Case Quickly Transferred to Courts” (武汉李铁案被快速 转到法院), March 17, 2011,
[viii] “Lu Dachun Living under Residential Surveillance Following Release from Prison; In Need of Urgent Medical Treatment for Many Illnesses” (陆大椿出狱后被监视居住,身患多病急需治疗), March 14, 2011,
[ix] “Urgent Alert: Linyi, Shandong Activist Liu Guohui Missing after Talks with Police, Leaves Last Testament” (紧急关注:山东临 沂维权人士刘国慧被警方约谈时留下《遗书》失踪), March 15, 2011,
[x] “Laohumiao Faces Pressure to Move” (老虎庙面临被 迫搬家困境), March 16, 2011,
[xi] “Family Planning Murder Case in Chen Guangcheng’s Hometown of Linyi City, 22 Year-old Youth Cruelly Killed” (陈光诚老家临沂再爆计生血案,22岁青年惨遭杀害(图)), March 27, 2011,