Xiao Yong (肖勇)
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Xiao Yong 肖勇
Recent Detention
Crime: Concealing illegal profits
Length of Punishment: 18 months of Re-education through Labor
Issuing Body: Shaoyang Municipal RTL Committee (Hunan Province)
Dates of Detention/Arrest: April 2, 2012 (detained); July 20, 2012 (taken to RTL); February 9, 2013 (released)
Place of Incarceration: No. 1 Detention Center of Guangzhou; Shaoyang RTL Camp
Born in 1978, Xiao Yong has been active in exposing illegal, corrupt, and criminal behavior by police officers and local authorities since 2007. Previously beaten and detained for these rights defense activities, Xiao was seized in Guangzhou in late March 2012 after taking part in a demonstration that called for official transparency and political reforms. Xiao and his wife were then forcibly returned to their hometown and closely monitored by local authorities. Soon after, Xiao was denied freedom to travel, put under house arrest for over a month, and given an 18-month RTL punishment. Local authorities threatened his family if they hired a lawyer for Xiao.
His punishment supposedly stemmed from a previous case where Xiao unknowingly purchased a motorbike that police claimed was stolen. No charges were filed at the time since Xiao voluntarily surrendered the item. Along with others in 2010, Xiao had uncovered the plight of Hunan petitioners who authorities had forcibly committed to a psychiatric facility. Caught on tape and implicated by other evidence, officials finally released the individuals. On February 9, 2013, Xiao Yong was released from an RTL facility and was required to “serve out” the remaining months of his RTL stint at home in Shaoyang City, which will end on January 19, 2014.
Further Reading
China Human Rights Briefing July 20-26, 2012, July 27, 2012, CHRD
“A Brief Look at the Case of the Five Gentlemen of Guangzhou Who Held Placards,” May 3, 2012, HRIC