Update to UN on Urgent Appeal of Mr. Zhu Yufu – November 30, 2012
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Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders
Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) hereby respectfully submits an update to its urgent appeal (and its response to the Chinese government’s reply) in the case of democracy activist and writer Mr. Zhu Yufu (朱虞夫), a citizen of the People’s Republic of China, who was sentenced to seven years’ imprisonment on February 10, 2012 for “inciting subversion.” According to family members who learned details of Zhu’s situation during a visit with him on November 11, 2012, Mr. Zhu’s already poor health has taken a turn for the worse, and he is being deprived of certain basic rights in prison.
Held at Zhejiang Provincial No. 4 Prison, Zhu has not been allowed access to books provided by his family, and letters between Zhu and his family and friends have not been delivered. Unlike other inmates, Zhu has not been permitted to call his family once a month or purchase a once weekly “nutritious meal.” As Zhu entered the visitation room, his family noticed that he was stumbling as he walked and had to hold on to the wall for support. Zhu, who has become emaciated from malnutrition, is suffering from serious medical issues, including heart disease and high blood pressure, for which he is not receiving adequate medical care. In light of Zhu’s dire health condition, his wife will again apply for his release on medical parole. Her earlier request, in July 2011, was denied.