Appendix 2 to “CHRD & Coalition NGOs Report Submitted to CESCR” – April 2014
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End Discriminatory Household Registration System (Hukou)
(Summary in English, followed by full text in Chinese)
From Beijing Yirenping Center
China’s system of national household registration (or hukou system), a central element of the government’s social management, inherently discriminates against rural residents. Compared to registered urban residents, rural migrants who move to urban areas do not enjoy equal benefits to education, employment, housing, health, and social security. In addition, China has people who cannot obtain any household registration at all, sometimes referred to as the “black population,” and they are thus deprived of their rights to social benefits and services from the state.
Discrimination in taking the college entrance examination and finding employment is another serious issue linked to household registration. According to Chinese law, all citizens enjoy the right to higher education, but the registration system dictates that students can only take the college admissions exam at the location where they are registered, and not necessarily at their residential address. This policy thus blocks migrants’ children in cities from being able to take the exam in their actual place of residence, violating their right to education. In terms of employment, the members of the population who do not possess a certain registration cannot apply for or accept certain jobs or opportunities, particularly civil service positions.
There are great disparities between rural and urban residents in terms of social benefits, including medical care and pensions. In rural areas, residents do not enjoy heath care subsidies that urban residents receive, and rural residents also have to pay a medical insurance fee that is proportionally greater than what urban residents pay. When they require medical treatment, those holding rural household registration often have to spend part of their savings and income to obtain treatment, instead of relying on subsidies or insurance, and otherwise may forego care. In addition, there are significant differences between the levels of benefits in urban and rural pension systems, with registered urban residents enjoying far better benefits compared to rural residents.
A major issue is that a portion of the population does not possess household registration (the so-called “black population”), and are thus deprived of virtually all rights enjoyed by citizens. This includes being denied social services, public education, employment opportunities, and social security. Such individuals may even be prohibited from traveling or obtaining a marriage certificate. Across China, there are more than 2,800 administrative districts where there are at least 3,000 individuals without any household registration.
The problem of unregistered children is particularly serious. “Unregistered” children may include babies whose mothers lack registration, children who exceed the quota set by China’s family planning policy, and orphans. In some of these circumstances, officials will impose a large fine on parents, and if they cannot pay, then the child will not receive any household registration. Another issue is that the family planning policy illegally discriminates against unmarried women. All illegitimate children are considered to be in violation of the “one-child policy,” and a fine is levied. Increasingly, couples are having children outside of the quota but are incapable of paying the fine, thus rendering it nearly impossible to register the child’s birth.
- We urge the Chinese government to abolish the discriminatory household registration system, and also provide a concrete timetable for its reform and dismantling.
- We recommend that the government open up the college entrance exam system, and ensure the process of sitting for the exam is not tied to the student’s place of birth or registration status. The government should provide migrant workers’ children the same opportunities to take the exam as locally registered children, and their post-school opportunities should not just be restricted to vocational training.
- The government must amend the “Labor Law,” “Employment Promotion Law,” “Civil Service Law,” “Regulations for Implementing Open Recruitment for Professional Work Units,” and other related laws in order to eliminate employment discrimination based on residence requirements.
- The government must provide equal access to medical care for all households, and adopt concrete and effective polices to ensure the rural population enjoys equal rights to pension and social security benefits as the urban population.
- The government must delink family planning policies from any system of household registration, and eliminate the current financial and social penalties that are in place.
户籍制度是中国政府管理社会和资源分配的重要制度。随着国家放宽人口管制,从农民离开土地、外出工作,到城市间人们的迁徙,人口流动成为常态。但囿于户籍制度,到城里打工的农村户籍移民在住房、就业、教育、养老等方面无法得到相应保障或受到歧视。. 同时,由于户籍制度作为管控社会的手段,很多人无法上户口,从而无法享有公民应当享有的基本权利。与各种问题相伴的户籍改革的呼声和讨论已持续多年,政府户籍制度改革目前并未取得积极明显的效果,反而是因户籍制度导致的各种问题和不公逐渐加深,甚至制约了社会经济发展。两会前夕,围绕户籍制度下教育、就业、上户等几个较严重问题,试探讨分析并提出相关建议。中国有几种人口群体根本得不到户籍,成为“黑人口”、被剥夺享受所有社会福利和服务的权利。
建议:1、异地高考全面放开, 不应再限制新移民的职业、社保、纳税等与出身密切相关而与高考本身无关的状况,以及不应再限制学籍年限,具备相应学籍者均可在居住地参加高考;2、新移民子女应与户籍居民子女享有同样的考试机会,而非仅仅被许可报考职业技术学校,应一视同仁。
当前,户籍就业歧视现象严重 户籍就业歧视是种社会身份歧视,因不具备某地户籍身份,而丧失在此地报考应聘某些职位的机会。户籍就业歧视主要集中体现在我国公务员招聘和事业单位招考过程中。2011年,中国政法大学宪政研究所发布《2011年国家公务员招考中的就业歧视调查报告》称,在2011年中央国家机关公务员招考中,社会身份歧视占11.5%。在社会身份歧视中,最为严重的是户籍歧视和地域歧视(共计955个),占社会身份歧视总数(1124个)的85%。户籍歧视和地域歧视主要表现为对特定省份(县市)户籍或生源地的限制,一般与招考单位所在地有着对应关系。因此,国家政府招考、事业单位招聘应该取消户籍限制。这会在很大程度上消除户籍就业歧视。
在我国,与户口相关的很普遍的现象是存在很多“黑户”,即没有户籍的人。虽然他们真实的存在, 因为没有户口,他们不享有公民的权利 具有以下情况的人,如果付不起高额罚款,无法获得户籍:1、父母无户籍;2、计划外生育;3、孤儿。这些无法获得户籍的人士无法获得义务教育、就业机会、社会保障,甚至无法外出旅行、无法领取结婚证,作为公民的所有权利均被剥夺。他们既不是中国公民也不是外国公民,他们是没有任何合法身份的群体。事实上形成了一个贱民阶层。
超生的儿童家庭要缴纳社会抚养费的做法非常普遍。城镇的社会抚养费一般为第二个孩子缴纳当地居民平均可支配年收入的3倍到10 倍,第三个以上的孩子征收6倍到20倍。如果是农村,按当年本地人均纯收入计算。由于标准不确定以及财政不透明,社会抚养费被贪污非常严重。2013年7月,浙江律师吴有水曾致信31省份计生、财政部门,申请公开社会抚养费收支、预算等相关信息。截至目前,吴有水收到京沪等17个省区市计生或财政部门公开的2012年度社会抚养费征收总额,共计165亿元。其他14个省区市或不予回复,或称不能公开。根据中国的《政府信息公开条例》,社会抚养费的使用情况应该公开,但是全国几乎没有哪个地方主动公开。实际上社会抚养费根本没有用于妇女儿童福利,而是变成了计生部门和地方政府官员的小金库。
计划生育的实施过程存在对非婚生子女的歧视。根据中国的《婚姻法》,非婚生和婚生子女享有平等的权利。在《人口与计划生育法》中,没有对非婚生是否属于计划生育做出规定。但是在各地的《征收社会抚养费管理办法》中, “都把非婚生当成违反计划生育并征收社会抚养费,这就侵犯了非婚生子女的出生登记权。
建议:户籍制与医疗保健保险脱钩, 使农村户籍人口享有同等医疗保健,使农村户籍的老人、病人不再因病致贫。
在退休费上,城乡也有巨大差距。例如,北京市农村户口的,以妇女为例: 没有嫁给外村的女性从16岁开始在村办的各种企业工作,工作34年,到50岁退休,现在最高的每月能领到退休费1250元(不包括村干部)。外来的媳妇从22岁结婚到本村,一直工作到50岁退休,工龄28年,现在的退休费是1190元。而北京城镇女性,享受社会养老保险,最低的每月退休费都在2000元。公务员的退休费就高达5、6千元不止了。外地户口的老人不能住进北京的养老院。