Help Free Chinese Women Rights Defenders 自由中国女性人权捍卫者: #BeyondTheFive
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She is one of the few remaining women human rights lawyers in China. Authorities have tried to stop her. State media staged a smear campaign against her. Court security guards assaulted her and judges threw her out of courtrooms. On July 9, police broke into her flat and abducted her, and she has since been disappeared. Her name is Wang Yu. We are seeking her freedom before the September 27th’s UN Summit on “female empowerment and gender equality” that China is co-hosting with UN Women in New York.
Wang Yu is not alone. The Chinese government under President Xi Jinping has persecuted many Chinese women human rights defenders. They have been detained, imprisoned, or disappeared, put under house arrest or police surveillance. Activist Cao Shunli paid with her life for trying to work with the UN. These women have faced reprisals simply for promoting human rights.
The Xi government is damaging “female empowerment and gender equality” by silencing women rights defenders. Detaining the Five Feminists before this year’s International Women’s Day made that clear. But #FreeTheFive became a global call for their freedom. Thanks to a remarkable show of support worldwide, the women were released, though are still treated as “criminal suspects” in China. Let’s rekindle the global campaign to help free other Chinese women defenders: #BeyondTheFive.
#BeyondTheFive include the 71-year old journalist Gao Yu, who was sentenced to 7 years for her reporting; Liu Ping, who is serving 6.5 years for seeking independent candidacy in a local election; Jia Lingmin, subjected to a sham trial after she fought legal battles for victims of forced eviction; and Su Changlan, detained for nearly a year for fighting discrimination against rural women.
The Chinese government also targets women simply for speaking out for their loved ones. Such is the case with Liu Xia, under house arrest for calling for the release of her husband, imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo; or Bian Xiaohui, sentenced to 3.5 years for trying to visit her father after he was imprisoned for his religious beliefs.
UN Women must ensure it partners with countries that protect women human rights defenders. The UN co-hosting a summit with a country whose government arrests, imprisons, and tortures women rights defenders makes a mockery of its own mission to empower women and promote gender equality.
We are calling on the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and UN Women to press the Chinese government to unconditionally free all detained women human rights defenders, and remove the criminal charges against the Five Feminists, before Xi Jinping comes to New York to speak at the UN Summit.
Please sign this petition to help free these Chinese women, who were targeted for exercising their human rights.
Help Free Chinese Women Rights Defenders 自由中国女性人权捍卫者: #BeyondTheFive
她是中国所剩无几的女性人权律师之一。当局对她百般阻挠。官媒抹黑她,法院保安殴打她,法官把她赶出庭。7月9日,警察闯入她的住宅,她被 绑架,至今音信皆无。她叫王宇。我们正在努力争取在9月27日联合国峰会“女性赋权和性别平等”开幕之前让她获得自由,这次峰会将由中国与联合国妇女署在 纽约联合主办。
习近平当局压制女性人权捍卫者,与“女性赋权和性别平等”的目标背道而驰。今年国际妇女节前夕拘禁五名女权主义者,中国政府的意图已经昭然。然而,#FreeTheFive #自由五女权人士 发展成全球争取她们自由的运动。由于世界各国人士的支持,这几名女士后来获释,但是她们在中国至今仍然被当作“犯罪嫌疑人”对待。让我们重新点燃这场全球运动的火炬,推动其他中国女性人权捍卫者获得自由:#BeyondTheFive #自由其她女性人权捍卫者
#自由其她女性人权捍卫者 包括71岁的记者高瑜,因报道新闻而获刑七年;刘萍,因独立参选地方人大代表而获刑六年半;贾灵敏,为强制拆迁受害者争取司法公正而受到不公的审判;苏昌兰,为农村妇女受到歧视而抗争,被关押了近一年。
Help Free Chinese Women Rights Defenders 自由中国女性人权捍卫者: #BeyondTheFive