Beijing Activist Sent to Re-education through Labor Camp

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Beijing Activist Sent to Re-education through Labor Camp

(Chinese Human Rights Defender, November 6, 2007)―Wang Ling (王玲), a Beijing petitioner and activist, has been sent to Re-Education through Labor camp.

According to Citizen’s Rights and Livelihood Watch (CRLW), Ms. Wang disappeared some time ago. Reportedly, Wang called two fellow Beijing petitioners in mid-October from Taiyanggong Public Security Bureau (PSB) in Beijing and told them that she was going to be sent to Re-Education through Labor camp. Wang is said to be serving a one-year-and-three-month sentence at the Daxing Re-Education through Labor Camp in Beijing.

Four years ago, to make room for Olympics facilities, Wang’s property was forcibly demolished without proper compensation. She became a petitioner and has joined Ye Guozhu, the “Olympics prisoner”, in preparing banners and posting posters for the petitioners’ demonstrations to demand protection of their rights. For her petitioning and rights-defending activities, she had been beaten, detained and imprisoned previously. <!–
D([“mb”,”u003c/p>nnnnu003cp>Chinese police have the power to detain people innRe-education through Labor camps for up to 3 ton 4 years without any court hearings or trial.u003cspan>&nbsp; u003c/span>Detainees are also deprived of their rightsnto legal counsel and appeal. u003c/p>nnnnu003cp>u003cb>u003cspan styleu003d”font-size:9pt;font-family:SimSun;color:rgb(51, 153, 102)”>______________________________u003cWBR>______________u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/p>nnu003cp>u003cb>u003cspan styleu003d”font-size:10pt;color:rgb(51, 153, 102)”>Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) isna non-political, non-government network of grassroots and internationalnactivists promoting human rights protection and empowering grassroots activismnin u003c/span>u003c/b>u003cb>u003cspan styleu003d”font-size:10pt;color:rgb(51, 153, 102)”>Chinau003c/span>u003c/b>u003cb>u003cspan styleu003d”font-size:10pt;color:rgb(51, 153, 102)”>.nu003cspan>&nbsp;u003c/span>CHRD's objective is to build NGOncapacities, monitor rights development, and assist victims of abuse.u003cspan>&nbsp;&nbsp; u003c/span>CHRD advocates non-violent and rule of lawnapproaches.&nbsp; CHRD conducts investigation and research, provides information,norganizes training, supports a program of small grants, and offers legalnassistance.u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/p>nnnnu003cp>u003cb>u003cspan styleu003d”font-size:9pt;color:blue”>To unsubscribe, please &quot;Reply&quot; to this mailnwith &quot;unsubscribe&quot; in the &quot;Subject&quot; line.u003c/span>u003c/b>u003c/p>n”,0]


Chinese police have the power to detain people in Re-education through Labor camps for up to 3 to 4 years without any court hearings or trial. Detainees are also deprived of their rights to legal counsel and appeal.

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