Democracy Would Confuse Chinese People’s Minds, Says Political Journal

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Democracy Would Confuse Chinese People’s Minds, Says Political Journal

Originally published by Epoch Times on October 25, 2013

Teaching and writing articles about Western political concepts such as constitutionalism resulted in the firing of Shanghai professor Zhang Xuezhong in August 2012 (

Teaching and writing articles about Western political concepts such as constitutionalism resulted in the firing of Shanghai professor Zhang Xuezhong in August 2012 (

A state approved Chinese political theory journal rejects Western political ideas that are taking hold in China, saying they would “confuse the people’s minds”.

A recent article in the journal Qiushi Theory was critical of Western ideological trends that would “confuse the people’s minds” and “crumble the common ideological basis of the Party” while promoting “wrong ideas” such as “universal values,” and “constitutional democracy,” said the Washington DC based media research organization Chinascope, who translated parts of the article.

The article, “Consolidate the Common Ideological Basis That the Party and the People Share in Their Concerted Struggle” says that these ideas are meant to deceive and confuse the masses, while strongly affirming the primacy of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The political reforms that were hinted at by Xi Jinping’s new regime do not include a Western style constitutional democracy or multi-party system, Qiushi said.

Uncompromisingly supporting a strongly worded Party document that was leaked this summer, the October 16 Qiushi Theory journal article officially denounces any of the changes hoped for by the “New Citizen’s Movement,” a pro-reform, pro-democracy movement which has arisen in China.

Characterizing Western style political reform as a “democracy trap” designed to weaken and eliminate the CCP, the Qiushi article attacks Western political ideas as dangerous.

Advocates of Westernization, it said, were plotting to “mess with the minds of the people,” quoted Reuters. “This is so they can pressure us to put in place the ‘political reforms’ they so earnestly hope for, the real goal of which is to eliminate Communist Party leaders and change our socialist system.”

The reiteration of the regime’s strong anti-reform stance publicly revealed this summer has been accompanied by a continuing crackdown against free assembly, association, and speech.

Advocates for a constitution-based government, disclosure of officials’ assets, and the elimination of government corruption have been targeted in a concentrated effort to derail the trends by detaining key individuals.

Since March , dozens of activists, lawyers, and other citizens have been detained in the crackdown, meant to suppress peaceful assembly, association, and expression, says Chinese Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) , a human rights and advocacy network.

As of Oct. 21, 2013, CHRD has accounted for over 60 individuals accused of activism who have been criminally detained or disappeared in China. Many remain in detention without charges, while 34 have been formally arrested.

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